Environmental and Ecotoxicology

Environmental toxicology, field of study in the environmental sciences that is concerned with the assessment of toxic substances in the environment. Although it is based on toxicology, environmental toxicology draws heavily on principles and techniques from other fields, including biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, and genetics. Among its primary interests are the assessment of toxic substances in the environment, the monitoring of environments for the presence of toxic substances, the effects of toxins on biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems, and the metabolism and biological and environmental fate of toxins. Ecotoxicology can be defined as the study of harmful effects of chemicals upon ecosystems. This implies that ecotoxicology is concerned not only with the detections of chemicals per se, but with biological effects of toxic chemicals that contaminate or have contaminated the environment. These biological effects may be anything from a molecular effect in a species to the effects on the biosphere as a whole.
For more: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference/

For abstract submission: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference/submitabstract

Contact us: toxicology@globalepisteme.com


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