Occupational Toxicology

Occupational toxicology is the application of the principles and methodology of toxicology to understanding and managing chemical and biological hazards encountered at work. The objective of the occupational toxicologist is to prevent adverse health effects in workers that arise from exposures in their work environment. The science of toxicology has many applications. One of these relates to exposure of people to noxious or hazardous agents during the course of their work. Field of occupational toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of agents that may be encountered by workers during the course of their employment.

For more: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference/

For abstract submission: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference/submitabstract

Contact us: toxicology@globalepisteme.com


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