
Veterinary Zootoxicology provides an excellent overview of the state of the art in venom research. Clinical problems encountered in the United States are emphasized, but situations that occur in other areas of the world are examined as well. The book describes clinical syndromes caused by poisonous animals and provides facts, techniques, methodologies, and regimens designed to improve the clinical management of animals envenomated by other animals. Veterinary Zootoxicology is ideal for practicing veterinarians, students, instructors, wildlife biologists, and others who must know how to evaluate, diagnose, and treat envenomated animals.

For more: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference

For abstract submission: http://www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/toxicology-pharmacology-conference/submitabstract

Contact us: toxicology@globalepisteme.com


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